
1112-Public Information

The Board of Education desires that all members of the community be kept informed on all plans, activities, and needs of the Newtown Public Schools.

Information about the school system shall be released through the Office of the Superintendent.

Information about a particular school activity/event, e.g., music program, athletic event, PTA activity, etc., shall be released by the school Principal.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

1-226 Recording, broadcasting or photographing meetings.

Policy adopted: May 5, 2015                                         
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015

Regulation R1112
Community Relations

News Media Relations

Recognizing that an open relationship should exist between school administrators who are charged with the responsibility of conducting public business, and the news media who has the responsibility of reporting the actions of government to citizens, the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to provide to the members of the press information which is a matter of record and public information.

Members of the press, television and radio stations will be directed by the Superintendent of Schools to the administrator directly responsible for the information they seek.

Information released to the media shall be that which is public information as covered by statute. It is recognized that there is information of a confidential nature which shall not be released, such as information concerning personnel, grievances, negotiations, court actions and special placement of students. Information provided to the media should be factual and should not involve speculation or assumptions.

Administrators may release any information which has been previously generated. This does not include, however, generating new information at the request of a member of the press. All communications by school officials to the press shall be "on the record." Press releases are to indicate the administrator's name and title.

The Principal has the right to restrict interaction with students on school property if he/she deems it interferes or disrupts the educational process.

Regulation approved: May 5, 2015   
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015

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