
1313-Gifts from Suppliers and/or Contractors

The members of the Board of Education and its employees wish to avoid any conflict between their personal interests and the interests of the school district in dealing with suppliers, contractors and all organizations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the school district.

Although it is customary for some suppliers to give gifts to customers' employees at different times which are not of more than nominal value, and are not intended to influence in any manner the school district's procurement practices, the Board of Education requests, in view of the possible adverse publicity that might arise from such practice on the part of the suppliers, that suppliers or potential suppliers do not include the name of any individual connected with the school district on their gift lists.

Gifts to Board Members

No Board member or employee shall directly or indirectly solicit any gift; or accept or receive any gift having a value of twenty five dollars ($25) or more, whether in the form of money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, thing or promise, or any other form, under circumstances in which it could be reasonably inferred that the gift was intended to influence the Board member or employee in the performance of his/her official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his/her part.

Gifts between Students and Teachers

Gifts between students and teachers shall be discouraged.

(cf. 3313 Relations with Vendors)
(cf. 9270 Conflict of Interest)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

7-479 Conflicts of interest.

Policy adopted: May 5, 2015   
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015

Policy 1313
Community Relations

Gifts to School Personnel

Information on the Board of Education's policy regarding gifts between students and teachers shall be stated in student handbooks on each level.

The explanation of the Board of Education policy should indicate the following:

  1. Due to financial implications, the student could be placed in an embarrassing position with his/hers peers resulting either in isolation from others or to avoid this, purchasing gift which he/she cannot afford.
  2. Teachers do not expect gifts. Rather, they feel rewarded when students work up to their potential.

Regulation approved: May 5, 2015 

NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut

EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015

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