
1325-Advertising and Promotion

The Board of Education recognizes that public schools should maintain careful controls on the way in which students are exposed to materials and announcements, other than those directly related to school sponsored programs and activities. Although school districts are public institutions, fully supported by public taxes, the Board has a clear responsibility to protect students and their families from exploitation by private interests including, but not limited to, commercial, cultural, economic, environmental, organizational and political exploitation. 

There are situations, however, when it is educationally sound to make students more aware of the social environment and their roles as members of society. In such situations, judicious dissemination of information to students about community activities is warranted. Each situation requires individual consideration and the judgment of responsible school officials must be the decisive factor. Caution is to be exercised to prevent exploitation of the system and its students, who represent a large, and captive audience. 

It is the policy of this Board that the students, the staff, or the facilities of the Newtown Public School District shall not be used to advertise or promote commercial, organizational, cultural, or other non-school interests except that the district may:

  1. Utilize instructional aids furnished by private sources when the advertising content is reasonable in the judgment of the Superintendent.
  2. Cooperate, through announcements and distribution of program material, with a town agency or non-profit community organizations that benefit students and their families, when such cooperation will not interfere with the school program.
  3. Permit participation on a student option basis in essay, art, science, and similar contests sponsored by outside interests when such activities parallel the curriculum and contribute to the educational program.
  4. Accept limited advertising on extracurricular activity schedules and programs at the discretion of the Principal of the school involved.
  5. Permit other exceptions when, in the judgment of the Superintendent, students of the district will benefit. The Superintendent may, at his or her option, refer specific cases to the Board for decision.
  6. Allow temporary displays of advertising by community organizations utilizing school district facilities for community benefit outside the official school calendar year. All such displays shall be limited to the area being utilized and only for the duration of the activity. All such displays shall be removed prior to the start of school in the Fall.
  7. Allow advertising for the purchase of photographic services in connection with the class pictures and the services and goods deemed necessary by the Principal for the normal student activities of a high school.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to evaluate and act on all requests for the acceptance and use of material contributions involving advertising, to notify the Board of that action, and to refer to the Board all advertising issues he or she believes requires Board decision. The Superintendent is also authorized to arrange for appropriate public acknowledgment and recognition of contributions to the improvement of school programs and facilities.

Policy adopted: May 5, 2015   
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015

Policy 1325

Community Relations

Advertising and Promotion

  1. All requests to post, announce, or distribute information must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee. No announcement will be made until permission has been granted by the Superintendent.
  2. Copies of posters, texts of announcements, or copies of flyers must be submitted as well. All material must be received by the Superintendent at least five (5) days prior to the desired date of announcement.
  3. Material provided by groups for dissemination will not be directly distributed to students, but may be made available in a central location to those who are interested.
  4. Material for distribution should be limited to flyers or other printed matter. Buttons, pennants, and other promotional objects may not be distributed in the schools.
  5. Direct distribution of materials for school sponsored activities is allowed. 
  6. Educational material from private profit organizations which contains integral advertising may be utilized at the discretion of the Superintendent provided there is no active promotion of the organization or product advertised on school property. 
  7. The Superintendent may refer to the Board of Education any request to announce, distribute, or disseminate material containing advertising that he/she feels demands Board attention or decision. 

Regulation approved: May 5, 2015   
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015

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