The procurement function is one of the major business responsibilities of the Board of Education.
The duties of purchasing for the Board of Education shall be centralized under a Business Manager.
The Business Manager shall conduct all purchase transactions for the district.
The Business Manager shall be familiar with and perform all purchasing activities within the limitations prescribed by law, legal opinions, and in accordance with Board of Education policies.
Four fundamental functions for the purchasing personnel are as follows:
1. Buy the proper product for the purpose required.
2. Have the product available when needed.
3. Buy the proper amount of the product.
4. Pay the proper price.
Every transaction involving the transfer of property shall be by purchase order or formal contract.
Purchase orders and other purchase obligations shall be signed by the Superintendent or designee.
Specifications governing materials are a joint responsibility of the educational and business departments. In the procurement of materials, the Purchasing Clerk shall ensure that all materials procured will meet the needs of the educational program.
Policy adopted: July 21, 2016
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
3 Primrose Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Phone (203) 426-7600