The following conduct is expected of all persons who are engaged in the award and administration of contracts supported by the Child Nutrition Program (CNP) funds. These programs include the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program, and Summer Food Service Program.
No employee, officer or agent of the Newtown School District shall participate in selection or in the award or administration of a contract supported by program funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved.
To ensure objective contractor performance and eliminate unfair competitive advantage, a person that develops or drafts specifications, requirements, statements of work, invitations, for bids, requests for proposals, contract terms and conditions of other documents for use by the child nutrition program in conducting procurement shall be excluded from competing for such procurements. Such persons are ineligible for such procurements regardless of the procurement method used.
Conflicts of interest arise when a school district employee:
Has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for the award;
The purchase during the school day of any food or service from a contractor for individual use is prohibited.
Newtown Board of Education employees, officers and agents shall be governed by the following rules:The purchase during the school day of any food or service from a contractor for individual use is prohibited.
Resolution of Controversies
Any actual or proposed supplier who is aggrieved in connection with a proposed purchase may protest to the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Public Access to Procurement Information
1. Procurement information shall be a public record to the extent provided in Connecticut’s Freedom of Information law.
2. All bid/offers shall be taken under advisement. Between the time an IFB/RFP is opened and awarded it may be viewed by any company or individual who entered a response, to the proposed intent to purchase.
3. After acceptance, procurement information is available to the general public except as noted above.
(cf. 3320 – Purchasing Procedures)
(cf. 3323 – Soliciting Prices, Bids)
(cf. 3326 – Ordering Goods and Services, Paying for Goods and Services)
(cf. 3542 – School Lunch Service)
(cf. 3542.31 – Participation in the Nutritional School Lunch Program)
(cf. 3542.33 – Food Sales Other Than National School Lunch Program)
(cf. 3542.34 – Nutrition Program)
(cf. 4118.13/4218.13 – Conflict of Interest)
(cf. 6142.101 – Student Nutrition and Physical Wellness, School Wellness)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-215 Lunches, breakfasts and other feeding programs for public school children and employees.
10-215a Nonpublic school and nonprofit agency participation in feeding programs.
10-215b Duties of State Board of Education re feeding programs.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes (continued)
10-216 Payment of expenses.
State Board of Education Regulations
10-215b-1 School lunch and nutrition programs.
10-215b-11 Requirement for meals.
10-215b-12 Reimbursement payments. (including free and reduced price meals)
Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, 42 U.S.C. Section 1751.
School Lunch and Breakfast Programs 42 U.S.C. Section 1751 et seq.
National Food Service Programs, Title 7 Code of Federal Regulations, 7 CFR Part 210, Part 220, Part 215, Part 245.
42 U.S.C. Sec. 1758(h)/7 CFR Sect 210.13, 220.7 (School Food Safety Inspections).
Federal Register (74 Fed. Reg. 66213) amending federal regulations (7 CFR Part 210 and 220).
P.L. 111-296 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA), 42 U.S.C. 1751
7 CFR Parts 210 & 220 – Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch & School Breakfast Programs.
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities
Title 7 Chapter 11 of the Code of Federal Regulation Federal Management Circular A- 102, Attachment 0 FNS Instruction 796-1 Revision 2.
2 CFR 200.318 General Procurement Standards
Policy adopted: March 19, 2024
Newtown Public Schools
3 Primrose Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Phone (203) 426-7600