
4112.6/4212.6 - Personnel Records

Personnel records shall be kept on all current employees and shall include information usually expected in good personnel administration.

A file shall be kept for all resigned or retired employees, including such essential information as shall seem appropriate to the administration as specified by state and federal laws.

The Superintendent, on behalf of the Board, shall notify an employee and a collective bargaining representative, if any, in writing when a request is made for disclosure of the employee's personnel, medical or similar files, if the Superintendent reasonably believes disclosure would invade the employee's privacy.

The Superintendent shall comply with state and federal law, including the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), when a request is made for disclosure of an employee’s personnel, medical or similar files.

Files containing medical information regarding an employee will be kept separate from other personnel files.

Legal Reference:       Connecticut General Statutes
                                   1‑206 Denial of access to public records or meetings.
                                   1‑213 Agency administration. Disclosure of personnel, birth and tax records.
                                   1-214 Objection to disclosure of personnel or medical files (as amended by PA 18-93)
                                   1-215 Record of arrest as public record
                                   10‑151a Access of teacher to supervisory records and reports in personnel file.
                                   10‑151c Records of teacher performance and evaluation not public records. (as amended by PA 02-138 and PA 13-122)
                                    Perkins v. Freedom of Information Commission, 228 Conn. 158 (1993)
                                   The Americans with Disabilities Act

Policy adopted: May 17, 2022                                                                           Newtown Public Schools

*Click PDF for Form#1

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