First Aid and Emergency Care
First aid, the immediate and temporary care given to a student who demonstrates symptoms of illness or injury while present on school grounds or at school sponsored activities, shall be the responsibility of the school until assumed by the student’s parent or guardian. Care may be given by the school nurse and/or the school principal or his/her designee.
In the school environment, the school nurse is the primary health care professional and is responsible for the coordination of care for all students. If the student’s condition warrants immediate life-saving measures, the school nurse or other designated school personnel shall contact EMS. Attention is directed first to the most critical problems of airway, bleeding, and circulation.
When medical attention is needed:
1. Staff/teacher notifies nurse
2. Nurse/staff administers appropriate care
3. EMS called when necessary
4. Parent/guardian/emergency contact notified
5. Nurse documents care and completes incident report
6. Student is either taken home, to physician’s office, or to hospital by parent/guardian, emergency contact person or by EMS transport
Standing Orders
Standing orders for administering emergency medications and routine medications, topical, ophthalmic solutions, and treatments used to provide first aid are developed in cooperation with the district nursing supervisor and school medical advisor. Standing orders will be issued by the school medical advisor, updated annually, and posted in the school health office.
Role of the School Nurse
The role of the school nurse is to provide first aid and medication administration to students in the school setting, develop and implement health care plans for students, and collaborate with the school medical advisor on school policies, procedures and practices related to the health of students. Barring a medical emergency during school hours, school employees are expected to seek the care and advice of medical professionals outside of the school environment to address their own medical needs.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statute 52-557b (b)
Adopted: September 5, 2023
Newtown Public Schools
3 Primrose Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Phone (203) 426-7600