
5121.2 - Eligibility for Honor Rolls

To recognize outstanding scholastic achievement, motivate students to do well in their studies, and teach students the importance of meeting all their responsibilities, the Board of Education hereby establishes the following categories of honors and the criteria for eligibility for said honors.

High School (9-12)

Honor Roll

To be named to the High Honor Roll a student must:

  1. Be enrolled in five or more courses. A minimum of four courses must be in areas of study other than independent study and released work experience.
  2. Have an overall average of 90 or higher for the marking period.
  3. Receive a grade of 85 or higher in each course used in determining the overall average and have no incomplete grades.

To be named to the Honor Roll a student must:

  1. Be enrolled in five or more courses. A minimum of four courses must be in areas of study other than independent study and released work experience.
  2. Have an overall average of 85 or higher for the marking period.
  3. Receive a grade of 80 or higher in each course used in determining the overall average and have no incomplete grades.

Middle School (7-8)

Honor Roll

Achievement grades in all subjects will be considered to determine eligibility for the honor roll. A student must receive an overall achievement grade average of 85% or higher.

A grade of C+ or lower in any subject or a Pass (P) designation will exclude the student from the honor roll. Note: Pass/Fail (P/F) option for grading may be used only if stated in Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or through prior arrangement by a team consisting of a school counselor, parent, teacher, and administrator.

When the computer calculates the average, it will use the following numerical letter grades:
A+ (97-100) C+ (77-79) EFFORT GRADES A (93-96) C (73-76) A Outstanding A- (90-92)
C- (70-72) B Very Good B+ (87-89) D+ (68-69) C Satisfactory B (83-86) D (66-67) D Needs to Improve B- (80-82) D- (65) F Unsatisfactory NM = No Mark F = Below 65 P/F = Pass/Fail
I= Incomplete

Publication of the “Honor Roll” will conform to the District’s policy pertaining to directory information.

(cf. 5125 - Student Records/Confidentiality)
(cf. 5145.15 - Directory Information)

Policy approved: January 11, 2019                                   
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut

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