1. Search of a Student and the Student’s Effects
A. Fourth Amendment rights to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures apply to searches conducted by public school officials. A student and his/her effects may be searched if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. The way the search is conducted should be reasonably related to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction.
2. Search of a Locker, Desk and Other Storage Area
A. Lockers, desks and other storage areas provided by the school system for use by students are the property of the school system. Such storage areas are provided for the temporary convenience of students only. The Board of Education (the “Board”) authorizes the administration and/or law enforcement officials to search lockers and other school property available for use by students for the presence of weapons, contraband or the fruits of a crime if there are reasonable grounds at the inception of the search for suspecting that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. Moreover, the scope of the search shall be reasonably related to the objectives of the search and shall not be excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction.
B. If the school administration reasonably suspects that a student is not maintaining a locker or other storage area assigned to him/her in a sanitary condition, or that the storage area contains items the possession of which is illegal or in violation of school regulations or that endangers the health, safety or welfare of the student or others, it has the right to open and examine the storage area and to seize any such items that are found.
C. When required by law and otherwise at the option of the building principal, items that have been seized shall be submitted to the police department for proper disposition. Items not submitted to the police department shall be disposed of as directed bythe building principal.
3. The decision to search shall be made by the principal or the principal' s designee. The search shall be made in the presence of at least one witness. Discovery of illegal or dangerous materials shall be reported to the Office of the Superintendent.
4. Use of drug-detection dogs and metal detectors, similar detective devices; and/or breathalyzers and other passive alcohol screening devices may be used only on the express authorization of the Superintendent, in accordance with such procedures as the Superintendent may devise.
Legal References:
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-221, Board of education to prescribes rules, policies and procedures
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 54-33n, Search of school locker and property
New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325 (1985)
Adopted: December 3, 2024 NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Revised: Newtown, Connecticut
1. Search of a Student and the Student’s Effects
A. All searches of students shall be conducted or directed by an authorized school administrator, i.e., the principal or vice principal, in the presence of a witness.
B. A search of a student's handbag, gym bag, cellular telephone, personal electronic device or similar personal property carried by a student may be conducted if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will produce evidence that the stu dent has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. A student's other effects are also subject to the same rule. Effects may include motor vehicles located on school property.
C. A search of a student's person may be conducted only if there are reasonable grounds at the inception of the search for suspecting that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. Moreover, the scope of the
search shall be reasonably related to the objectives of the search and shall not be excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction. Metal detectors, breathalyzers and/or drug sniffing dogs may be used to detect the presence of
contraband, including weapons, drugs or alcohol, in furtherance of this policy and to the extent authorized by law.
D. Strip searches are prohibited except when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that such a search will produce evidence of conduct which places students, staff or school property in immediate danger. Such searches may be conducted at the request of the school principal,
generally by a member of the police department. During such searches, a member of the school staff shall be present at all times as a witness, and both the police officer conducting the search and the witness shall be of the samesex as the student searched.
E. Any evidence of illegal conduct or conduct violative of the rules of the school produced as a result of searches according to these regulations shall be subject to seizure. Where required by law and otherwise at the option of the building principal, such evidence shall be submitted to the police department for proper disposition. Evidence not submitted to the police department shall be disposed of as directed by the building principal.
2. Search of a Locker, Desk and Other Storage Area
A. The Board of Education (the “Board”) provides lockers, desks, gym baskets and other storage areas in which students may keep and store personal belongings and materials provided by the Board. Such storage areas are the property of the Board.
B. No student shall keep or store personal belongings or materials provided by the Board in any storage area other than one provided by the Board and designated for the student’s use by the school administration.
C. Each student shall be responsible for maintaining any storage area assigned to the student for the student’s use in an orderly and sanitary condition.
D. No student shall keep or store in a storage area assigned to the student for the student’s use any item the possession of which is illegal or in violation of school regulations or that endangers the health, safety or welfare of self or others (such as
matches, chemicals, ammunition, weapons, drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, etc.).
E. The use of lockers and other storage areas by students is a privilege. At all times such storage areas remain the property of the Board. If the school administration reasonably suspects that a student is not maintaining a storage area assigned to the student in a sanitary condition, or that the locker contains items the possession of which is illegal or in violation of school regulations or that endangers the health, safety or welfare of the student or others, it has the right to open and examine the storage area and to seize any such items that are found. The school administration may authorize law enforcement officials to search lockers/storage areas in accordance with Board Policy 5145.12, Section 2(A).
F. When required by law and otherwise at the option of the building principal, items that have been seized shall be submitted to the police department for proper disposition. Items not submitted to the police department shall be disposed of as directed by the building principal.
Legal References:
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-221, Board of education to prescribes rules, policies and procedures
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 54-33n, Search of school locker and property
New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325 (1985)
Administrative Regulations Adopted: December 3, 2024
The Board of Education (the “Board”) shall permit the administration to invite law enforcement agencies or other qualified agencies or individuals to search school property with dogs specially trained when necessary to protect the health and safety of students, employees or property of Newtown Public Schools (the “District”), and for the purpose of detecting the presence of illegal substances or contraband, including alcohol and/or drugs.
The use of trained detection dogs is subject to the following:
1. The administration shall authorize the search and the principal or his/her designee shall be present while the search is taking place.
2. All school property such as lockers, classrooms, parking areas and storage areas may be searched.
3. Dogs shall not be used in rooms occupied by persons except as part of a program designed to inform students/parents of the capabilities of the dogs. Individual(s) shall not be subjected to a search by dogs.
4. Parents and students shall be notified of the Board’s policy concerning search and seizure and this regulation, which shall be publicized to students. Specific dates of planned searches need not be released
5. When conducting a search of an individual or his/her effects based upon a dog’s signal, the principal or his/her designee shall conform to the requirements of the Board’s policy and regulation pertaining to searches of a student, his/her effects and/or locker searches.
6. The administration of the District shall have sole authority for determining internal disciplinary action in regard to illegal substances or contraband on school property.
7. Although detection dogs may be under the control of law enforcement agencies, the administration of the District shall have sole determination as to when a sweep of school property will be conducted.
8. When detection dogs are employed, the school should follow standard protocol for a lockdown procedure prior to the dogs and their handlers entering the building.
The Board of Education (the “Board”) supports the use of both passive alcohol screening (“PAS”) devices and breathalyzers during the school day or at school sponsored events, on or off campus, to deter the use of alcohol by students in the Newtown Public Schools (the “District”) and to promote the health and safety of all students.
This regulation provides the basic structure for the use of passive alcohol sensors and breathalyzers in this District to detect/confirm alcohol consumption by students. Such instruments shall be used by the District to 1) to confirm a reasonable suspicion that a particular student has used or is under the influence of alcohol at school during the school day, or at a voluntary, extracurricular school-sponsored event; and/or 2) systematically screen students attending extracurricular/voluntary school-sponsored events for possible alcohol use.
The passive alcohol sensor (“PAS”) device is a non-invasive high-speed breath alcohol screening instrument which can be used as a “sniffer” for overt or covert alcohol detection. This device may be used to sample a student’s breath in order to detect alcohol use, with results reported as either “positive” or “negative.” A breathalyzer is a device that detects and measures alcohol in expired air so as to determine the concentration of alcohol in a person's blood.
Only designated school personnel will be trained in the use of the PAS device and/or breathalyzer test. All testing instruments shall be properly calibrated and will be checked for accuracy and for full calibration in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards. Testing of students using these devices will be conducted in a separate area, to the extent practicable, to maintain student privacy.
Results from a PAS device or breathalyzer will be maintained in a confidential manner, and released in accordance with District policy and state and federal law.
A. Testing to Confirm Reasonable Suspicion of Alcohol Use
If there is reasonable suspicion that a student is under the influence of alcohol at school or at a school-sponsored event, the student shall be removed to a separate area for observation and questioning concerning alcohol consumption. The student will be informed as to how the PAS device operates and will be asked to breathe across the intake part of the device. Testing will be conducted by trained personnel, in a separate area whenever possible, to maintain student privacy. Any student who tests positive will be asked to submit to a second test using a breathalyzer. If the student tests positive for a second time, the school will contact the student’s parents. If necessary, the student will be brought to the school nurse for medical treatment and emergency medical protocols shall be followed.
If the student tests positive on either test, or if the student refuses to take the test when there is reasonable suspicion of alcohol use, the student may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action consistent with District policies and procedures.
Reasonable suspicion shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following:
1. Observed use or possession of alcohol;
2. Alcohol odor or the presence of an alcohol container;
3. Slurred speech, unsteady gait, lack of coordination, bloodshot or glazed eyes; or
4. Marked changes in personal behavior not attributable to other factors.
B. Extracurricular/Voluntary School -Sponsored Events
The Board also allows for the use of PAS devices and breathalyzers in connection with students’ participation in extracurricular/voluntary school-sponsored events and activities without the need for school personnel to first have reasonable suspicion of alcohol use. Such suspicionless testing will occur only if students are notified prior to the event or school-sponsored activity that a PAS or breathalyzer may be used, and that they may be denied entry and/or removed from the event or activity for either refusing to submit to such testing or for testing positive for alcohol use. Students will be notified through a variety of means, including orientation programs, student handbooks and/or electronic publication.
When PAS devices and/or a breathalyzer will be used at a voluntary school-sponsored event (i.e. school dances, proms, etc.), such devices shall be administered as follows:
1. All students participating in the activity or school-sponsored event will be asked to submit to a PAS screening. Students will be asked to breathe across the intake part of the device.
2. If the PAS device detects alcohol, the student shall be removed to a separate area for observation and questioning concerning alcohol consumption. After fifteen (15) minutes, the student will be asked to submit to a breathalyzer test to confirm the presence of alcohol.
3. Should the student test positive after the second test, school personnel will contact the student’s parents and the student shall be removed/denied entry to the activity or school-sponsored event.
4. Any student who refuses to breathe into the PAS device, or who refuses to submit to the breathalyzer test, may be excluded or removed from the activity or school-sponsored event and may face additional disciplinary actions.
5. The District retains the right to contact local law enforcement officials at any time, as deemed appropriate, consistent with District practice and policy.
3 Primrose Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Phone (203) 426-7600