The Board of Education is a legal body created by the statutes of the State of Connecticut. As an agency of the state with powers delegated to it by the legislature and the State Board of Education, the Newtown Board of Education is responsible to carry out mandatory laws, and to consider and accept or reject the provisions of all permissive laws. In those cases where the state laws do not provide or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself the agent in establishing and appraising the educational activities of the district.
The Newtown Board of Education views its required functions in these broad areas:
Delegation of executive powers by the Board provides fredom for the Superintendent to manage the schools within the Board's established policies. The Superintendent shall be responsible to the Board for the outcomes of these delegated responsibilities. (cf. 5111 – Admission/Placement)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes1-200 Definitions
10-186 Duties of local and regional boards of education 10-220 Duties of boards of education
10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules 10-240 Control of schools
10-241 Powers of school districts
Bylaw revised: October 15, 2019
3 Primrose Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Phone (203) 426-7600