The usual order of business at all regular meetings shall be as follows:
1. Call to order
2. Consent Agenda
3. Public participation
4. Reports
5. Old business
6. New business
7. Public participation
8. Adjournment
Communication Between Individual Schools and The Board of Education
In the interest of furthering communication between the various schools and the Board of Education, under the “Reports” section of the Board’s monthly business meeting agenda, selected representatives from each school are invited to share a summary of activities (in five minutes or less) occurring at their respective schools. This does not obligate school representatives to monthly or bimonthly reporting to the Board; rather the intent is to afford the individual schools an informal opportunity to communicate any events or issues occurring within their school that they wish to share with the Board.
Consent Agenda
To make more efficient use of meeting time, the Board of Education authorizes the use of a consent agenda as part of its regular meeting agenda. The consent agenda will condense the routine business of the Board (e.g., approving Board minutes, reviewing monthly expenses) into either a single motion or several categorical motions.
The consent agenda will be prepared by the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the Chairperson of the Board.
Items on a consent agenda will not be discussed prior to action. However, if any Board member believes that any item on the consent agenda requires discussion, that Board member may remove the item from the consent agenda merely by requesting same. The exempted item then moves to the regular agenda, and the Board may take action as it deems appropriate. All non-exempted items will be moved, seconded, and voted upon either in one motion or in several categorical motions without discussion.
Routine, standard, non-controversial, and self-explanatory items are those that will be placed on the consent agenda. Examples include the following:
Adopted: 6/5/12
Revised 1/7/2020
3 Primrose Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Phone (203) 426-7600